Guide in TurboWarp

Share your content with power, yet, with gaming spirit...

Tutorial for people who need help with Iframe extension

another reminder to scratch/tw devs

instead of using multiple variables that only have a few purposes, cram all of the properties into a list

it saves json and time

a friendly reminder to all scratchers to NEVER FUCKING HAVE "IF STATEMENT STAIRS"

you have OPERATORS, and you can put those operators in other operators. UTILIZE THEM

just use your brain and do the math and boom, much less block count = less json size

Devlog #3 (or 4 idk)

[OLD, READ ARTICLE FOR NEW] an idiots guide on how to add trophies and setup game api in your turbowarp game (read article for guide)


tutorial for those who are confused on how to use the new video extension

#tutorial #tutorials

How to make the FNAF AI system in Scratch and Turbowarp ( PART 1 )

#fnaf #scratch

can i have link to turbowarp discord

how do i make good ai for my fnaf game

is this good 6am coding